Module myAES.AES

Module for AES encrpytion/decryption


class AES (printStuff: bool = False)

Create console for printing and instantiate encryptions box keys


def GFdot(self, a: list, b: list) ‑> int

perform dot product on binary galois field objects

def GFmatMul(self, a: list, b: list) ‑> list

perform matrix multiplication on matrices with GF2 elements

def addRoundKey(self, m: list, key: list) ‑> list

adds this rounds key to working matrix

def byteSub(self, m: list) ‑> list


def byteSubInv(self, m: list) ‑> list

Given a matrix, do…

def byteToNibbles(self, byte: int) ‑> tuple

breaks a byte into a tuple of nibbles

def decrypt(self, ct: list, key: list, numrounds: int) ‑> list

perform decryption

def encrypt(self, pt: list, key: list, numrounds: int) ‑> list

perform encryption

def generateKeyMat(self, key: list) ‑> list

given a key, will generate a matrix for AES

def generateKeys(self, key: list) ‑> list

given a key, will generate future rounds keys

def generateRoundKey(self, key: list, round: int) ‑> list

Generate a rounds key based on the initial key

def getCol(self, m: list, c: int) ‑> list

get a column from the matrix as a list

def getCtString(self) ‑> str

Get cipher text string

def getPtString(self) ‑> str

Get plain text string

def keyTransform(self, k: list, n: int) ‑> list

will take a 1d list, left shift it, apply sbox to it

def listXOR(self, a: list, b: list) ‑> list

XOR of list of bits

def makeMat(self, pt: list) ‑> list

Make a 2d list based off of the bits of the plain text given

def mixCol(self, m: list) ‑> list

performs mix column method on working matrix

def mixColInv(self, m: list) ‑> list

given a matrix, perform inverse GF matrix multiplication

def printHexMatrix(self, t: list) ‑> None
def shiftLeft(self, r: list, n: int) ‑> list

given a list and number of shifts, performs shifts and returns new list

def shiftRight(self, r: list, n: int) ‑> list

given list and number of shifts, perform shifts and return new list

def shiftRow(self, m: list) ‑> list

shift matrix rows down

def shiftRowInv(self, m: list) ‑> list

Given a matrix, shift rows up

def transposeMat(self, m: list) ‑> list

given a matrix, returns that matrix transposed