Sean Crowley

Software Engineer

About Me

Driven and efficient worker. Adaptable and uses every opportunity to learn.

Most skilled in: Continuous Integration

My other tech skills include

  • python
  • TypeScript
  • c++
  • git
  • AWS
  • firebase
  • docker


Datirium, LLC

Full Stack Developer

March 2022 - Present
  • Utilized a tech stack involving Digital Ocean, Meteor, NestJS, and Angular

  • Worked in a distributed systems architecture

  • Managed Jira and Confluence pages

  • Automated documentation page generation and enforced documentation coverage for pull requests

  • Implemented user requested features

Narrative Science

Software test Engineer

September 2021 - December 2021

"Data Storytelling can make the world a better place. We want to see our technology used for good because we know it can make a tremendous social impact."

Worked with an amazing team on keeping our automated e2e, integration, and contract tests up to date with product developement

  • Used Gherkin with python to make writing tests easier. Worked with AWS and docker for integrating and testing changes in a cloud based system

  • Automated an app auditting process using AWS CloudWatch

  • Developed a CLI runnable linter to be run as part of a test in our continous integration pipeline


East Stroudsburg University

B.S. Computer Science, B.S. Applied Mathematics

2017 - 2022


Master Caster site


Web App made with Angular, Material, and Firebase.

GithubActions utilized for Continuous Integration.

Firebase utilized for user authentication, real-time-databasing, and hosting.

This site is going to act as a dev log and download center for an in progress game. (in-progress)

AES project


Python package utilizing:

  • poetry for package management.
  • gitpages for documentation.
  • click for CLI entrypoint.
  • circleCI with GithubActions for continuous integration.

final package in progress.

Settlers of Catan AI


Python package utilizing:

  • poetry for package management.
  • gitpages for documentation.
  • click for CLI entrypoint.
  • circleCI with GithubActions for continuous integration.

final package in progress.

Clock in app


Progressive Web App made with HTML/JavaScript and Firebase.

Firebase utilized for user authentication, real-time-databasing, and hosting.


Chat Bot


Chat bot made with python. Libraries: nltk and keras utilized for nlp and model creation/training.

UI made with tkinter.

Speech Analysis


Utilized python and the library librosa.